Integrative Wellness Life Coaching

In contrast to the commercialized, high-octane version of coaching, Integrative Wellness Life Coaching is a whole-person, specialized modality that focuses on empowering you to create enduring and meaningful change, break through limitations, shift beliefs or perspectives, and move towards balance and harmony in all areas of life.

This thought-provoking and transformational approach produces more lasting results because it enables you to focus holistically on your life. It also has a more grounding and calming affect, allowing time for things to percolate through your entire being.

Invest in You

Integrative Wellness Life Coaching is an investment that benefits your entire life.

You’ll learn how to develop your own self-healing abilities and identify the way forward with clarity, grace, and courage—defining the most important relationship of all: the one with yourself.

  • Contentment in daily life

  • Bridging the Gap between where you are and where you want to be

  • Overcoming limiting beliefs or harmful habits that block fulfillment

  • Clarity of purpose and direction

  • Heightened self-awareness and intuition

  • Development of self-empathy and self-appreciation

  • Awakening of self-worth and abilities

  • Resiliency in responding to obstacles, change, and ambiguity

  • Alignment of strengths and values with decisions

  • Reprogramming of mental clutter, identity markers, and thought patterns

  • Pivots and Reframes in perspective or viewpoints

  • Freedom to be who you are and live authentically


What To Expect

This collaborative process of self-discovery and re-calibration is about YOU, which means you get to choose what to work on improving, how many sessions you need, and how you are best supported. Each coaching session is as unique as you are—focused on nurturing your whole life and eliciting a course of action that best fit your values, lifestyle, and desired outcome. 

We’ll begin by exploring your personal history through a comprehensive wellness assessment (Intake), followed by development of a personalized plan with intentional actions. You’ll receive insightful and challenging questions, holistic resources, and accountability support to help you move in the direction you choose, developing inner-life skills you can use again and again.

  • Clarification on your most important goals

  • Inspiration and motivation to keep you on track

  • Space to access creativity and intuition

  • Opportunity to explore and evaluate possibilities

  • Sounding board that’s free of judgement and agenda

  • Focus so that you can move into action and get things done

  • Positive reinforcement to help you stay accountable in your journey

  • Help in finding your own best insights and solutions

  • Processes to transform your inner obstacles (i.e. fear, distraction, self-doubt)

  • This depends on what you want to achieve and your ability and desire to invest time, energy and resources in the coaching process. A few sessions may be sufficient for those who simply need a jump start, while others may benefit from a longer commitment. It is a very personal decision based on your individual goals.

  • Doing inner work, by being transparent about perceptions, struggles and dreams, is a beautiful and sacred process. Your beliefs and views of self and the world, who you are and what you are capable of at this moment are honored and respected, free of judgement. You are the expert in your life and have the ability to be creative, resourceful, and whole.

Holistic Balance

Every part of your being is intertwined—when one area is out of balance it affects another. Freedom from the past, overcoming harmful habits, and reprogramming patterns that block fulfillment are addressed from a whole-person perspective in our coaching sessions.

Moving towards balance is a journey that looks different for everyone and may include health and wellness, relationships with self and others, family, career and purpose, finances, personal development, and spirituality.


“And then it happens... one day you wake up and you're in this place where everything feels right. Your heart is calm. Your soul is lit. Your thoughts are positive. Your vision is clear. You're at peace, at peace with where you've been, at peace with what you've been through, and at peace with where you're headed.”

— Unknown



As a coach, my job is not to fix your problems or tell you what to do—as no one knows you better than you—but rather to serve as a guide, facilitator, and a catalyst for growth in a journey of choice towards vibrancy and well-being.

YOUR Commitment

  • Have strong desire to change

  • Be open and honest with your coach

  • Complete actions you set for yourself

  • Ready to invest in yourself

COACH Commitment

  • Dedication to your desired outcomes

  • Listen from a space of non-judgment

  • Empower you to choose

  • Qualified professional coaching skills

Next Steps

Ready to transform your life? Learn more about my coaching services, or contact me to schedule a free consulation.



Integrative Wellness Life Coaching is not counseling, therapy or medical advice, nor is intended for those suffering from mental illness, trauma, addiction, abuse or any other mental or physical illness. Coaching does not prevent, cure, or treat any mental disorder or medical disease. Results ultimately depend on you—your ability and desire to invest time, energy, and resources into the coaching process. You are in the driver seat and have the freedom to choose what and how to implement in your life.