Hi, I’m Heather

As a certified Integrative Wellness Life Coach, I help women live their magic, create vibrancy, and experience a greater sense of well-being and joy.

Over the years, I’ve often been approached by strangers in airports or at the grocery store wanting to share their life story. These moments of connection touch my heart to this day, humbled by the trust another human placed in me. And each time it was clear that I was in my purpose—to be that safe, listening space; a witness and facilitator in their process of discovery.

Written within the pages of my life story are experiences that have changed my perspective, and caused me to grow beyond what I thought I was capable of in that moment. Again and again. Life has been messy and unpredictable, full of untidy emotions, distraction, and uncertainty. Yet during those times, if I was willing to pull up a chair and get comfy with the vulnerability of ambiguity, magical things began to happen. The hardship transformed into opportunity, scraping and eroding the thick armor around that which I desperately wanted to hide; and, the realization that my mental stories, perceptions, and beliefs about myself (or others) were the biggest excuses holding me back.

I began making peace with what is, and with the idea that life was far more gray than black and white, and that was okay. As I learned to give myself the grace and permission to be worthy of my purpose and believe in my inner-angel, I not only fueled my creativity and courage, but I found the curiosity and the freedom to be me.


My Story

I am a truth-seeker who thrives on authenticity, independent thought, and self-discovery. The last thirty years of occupational pursuits has been a diverse compilation of teaching, office administration, tax and accounting, ballroom dance, classical music, and organic farming. Some chapters were shorter than others, and some continue to this day, but all were part of following my purpose—to grow and expand in ways nearest to my heart, finding avenues where my passion for enriching and nurturing the lives of others and the pursuit of beauty could take center stage.

A constant companion and refrain throughout my life has been two-fold: an unwavering curiosity in exploring the why behind behaviors, choices, and feelings; and, the inexplicable joy in helping others bloom and grow. After nearly three decades, this still lights me up!

While my own personal journey has not been immune to hardship, burnout, resistance, confusion, frustration, uncertainty or pain, it has been those challenging, difficult circumstances that were ultimately my greatest moments for growth, truth, and change—an awakening to the essentialism of living my authentic purpose, instead of chasing happiness, approval, or validation through the lens of someone else’s values.


In addition to my experience and formal training, I have developed the art of coaching through courses, online resources, and books by masters in the field of self-discovery and belief systems. My most powerful teacher, however, has been and continues to be intuitive observation of life itself.

  • Certified Integrative Wellness Life Coach *

  • Certified Master Herbalist (American College of Healthcare Sciences)

  • Certified Ballroom Dance Instructor

  • 30 years of teaching experience

* Certification included training in over twenty modalities, such as neuro-linguistic language patterns; emotional processing, healing, and release techniques; thought pattern management; behavior change techniques; elicitation layering, breathing, visualization and meditation techniques; movement and artistic processing; and, many self-care tools.


Finding balance has been a fundamental motivator since I was young. As my awareness, beliefs, and circumstances changed over the decades, so did the boundaries and perspectives. Relationships, health and well-being, career, finances, and personal development all fluctuated in and out of balance as I continued following my north star—learning, growing, re-calibrating, and being true to myself. And yes, sometimes that meant being brave despite the fear or circumstances.

For me, holistic wellness centers on making time for self-nurturing and being willing to be honest about every aspect of my life—challenging beliefs, reassessing habits, and letting go of anything that no longer serves me. This process of disentanglement from physical, emotional, and mental attachments continues to be a path of healing, bringing more contentment, joy, and light into my daily living.

“Beware of destination addiction, a preoccupation with the idea that happiness is in the next place, the next job, and with the next partner. Until you give up the idea that happiness is somewhere else, it will never be where you are.”

— Robert Holden